I lost a big customer and I want them back!

Ever lose a large customer and want them back? Let us give it a shot. Sometimes a new perspective can be just what  you need!

I have a new product or service  idea that I want to bring to market

Do you have a great new idea, but just do not have the know how, time or energy to bring it to market?

Let's Get Started.  How can we help you?

I want to acquire a company and need to integrate and grow the sales team

If mergers and acquisitions is your thing but you just can't seem to get the sales structure motivated and combined then.InrVision can provide a solution.

Let us Know more about you...

I want to integrate a new sales plan with a highly functional supply chain system

Are you growing or want to grow but not sure how you are going to handle the logistics of all the new sales? 

I want to grow my business outside of the United States

​Do you want to expand your sales into a country that is new to your company? Do you need offshore  export representation? Do you want people to visit your overseas clients and gain new customers?

I want to expand my sales into North America

Are you an international company that wants to break into the U.S. market and needs a sales team with feet on the street? InrVision is for you!

Would you like an NDA first?

I need a representative to manage my distributor relationships

Do your distributors demand too much out of your sales team? Are you not getting enough face time with them?

have a struggling division  with a lot of potential that I need to grow.

Are you at your wits end with a part of your company that is in trouble? Do  you need a fresh look at an old problem?